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Extraction Kits ( Favorgen )

Complete removal of contaminants and inhibitors for reliable downstream applications


DNA extraction kit uses some form of alkaline lysis followed by incubation with a DNA binding matrix, washing, and then elution


  1. High Purity:
  • Complete removal of contaminants and inhibitors for reliable downstream applications
  1. High Speed:
  • Rapid purification of high-quality viral DNA and RNA within 30minutes
  1. Safe Use:
  • Eliminates the use of phenol, chloroform, ethidium bromide, and cesium chloride, minimizing exposure to, and disposal of hazardous materials.
  1. Scalable protocol:
  • Solution based procedure can be scaled to suit the application
  1. Versatile:
  • Viral DNA can be extracted form 150μl of plasma, serum, urine, cell-culture, supernatant, or cell-free body fluids.


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